Taking the advantage of well-known Drools environment Lynx Administrator application enables the creation of rules based on which transaction alerts are generated, as well as shown and viewed in the Case Manager application
The application allows for a quick reaction in case possible attacks and frauds are detected and applies various risk parameters based on corporate policies and guidelines, external regulations or analysis of historical or big data.
Features are:
- Possibility of creating an “unlimited” number of rules and lists
- Rule changes are immediately propagated in the production environment
- Different types of rules: individual and cumulative, comparison of two transactions, list checking, first pattern detection monitoring… and all combinations
- Enables creation of the Online plus rule, which blocks the card after a suspicious transaction alert is generated.
Lynx Manager is a web application that offers a large number of information allowing analysts to prioritize cases and process them in the shortest possible period.
Features are:
- Highly automated and sophisticated fraud monitoring
- Fraud detection is supported by data mining techniques and predictive models
- Fraud notification services (SMS, email) functionality for quicker cardholder contacting
- Creation of special lists for allowing or blocking transactions.